Both systems have been developed in such a way that the customer can digitally capture and process, in the simplest way, the passport photo, with DiBiDat (if desired), both the fingerprint and the signature in one process. An audiovisual (up to 12 languages) operator guidance, leads everyone in the simplest way to the best possible result.
The data is automatically checked for biometric suitability during capture, for example in accordance with the strict guidelines of the ICAO/ISO standards. For maximum data security, the data is stored under a security key, protecting it from manipulation or morphing. Only with this key can the data be retrieved accordingly. The audiovisual operator guidance system informs the customer directly whether the data complies with the regulations. Both systems save both the citizen and the clerks (thus the administration) effort and costs for obtaining the biometric data.
It is important to note that the most significant time savings are made when capturing the passport photo, since data security means that the fingerprints and signature already captured by the system must always be verified with the clerk, which is tantamount to double capture and therefore does not save any time.
Like DiBiKo (since 2006), DiBiDat also makes the digitally captured biometric data available to the specialized procedures for further processing without media disruptions and without loss of time.
DiBiKo and DiBiDat, variable and space-saving
Both systems are available as a permanently installed booth, stationary on the desk, and as a mobile solution for on the road. Thanks to their compact design, they can be used anywhere. Our system adapts to your conditions.
The system relevant parts (verification software of the images, fingerprint scanner), of course, have the certificate of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Vending Concept
Plittersdorfer Str. 142
53173 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0) 228 – 956 3803
Fax: +49 (0) 228 – 956 3807